


کتابچه راهنمای زندگی در شهر سنندج
List of University Of Kurdistan Programmes
UOK Study Guideline for International Students

Internationalize Yourself by Studying at the University of Kurdistan


The University of Kurdistan (Sanandaj, IR Iran) as the only comprehensive state university at the Kurdistan Province with more than 400 academic staff, 12000 students (6% International Students), 49 departments, 9 faculties and 11 research institutes proudly announces the admission of international students as full scholarship, half scholarship and non-scholarship in 71 Bachelor, 138 Master, and more than 55 Ph.D programs for academic year of 2021-2022. University of Kurdistan has been ranked as 601-800 among world universities, as 165 among world young universities, and as 133 among Asian universities in 2021 based on the Times Higher Education World University Rankings System. The university is also among 20 top Iranian comprehensive universities.

:Benefits of studying at the UOK include

 Employing a high quality educational (regular and virtual) and research environment
 Low tuition fee
 Accommodation with free transportation service
Affordable student restaurants and canteens
 On-campus Centre for Teaching Persian Language
 On-campus consular office
 High cultural and linguistic diversity environment
 Diverse tourism, ecotourism, and historical attractions
 Professional centers for nurturing students’ new ideas and creativity
 Free library, sport, health, and counseling services


 Prospect applicants can apply online via below button

Start Registration
.(Please feel free to contact us by e-mail ( mailto:admission@uok.ac.ir ) or by phone (  +98 87 33611458