Duties and Responsibilities
- Preparing and updating the University of Kurdistan’s (UOK) Internationalization Strategy
- Compiling UOK’s internationalization policies
- Establishing links with other domestic and foreign universities and higher education institutes in order to attain required scientific research information and attract their cooperation in various fields of education, research, and technology.
- Corresponding with universities and higher education institutes abroad
- Improving UOK’s position in international ranking systems
- Collecting and recording information required by international ranking systems
- Registering and updating of UOK data in international scientific databases
- International student Recruitment and admission at different degree levels in cooperation with educational groups
- Providing consular services for foreign students
- Offering Persian language teaching courses to non-Persian speaking students and the general public
- Preparing and updating the university’s brochures in several foreign languages in cooperation with other relevant departments.
- Conducting SIMFA exams in coordination with the Ministry of Education
- Signing scientific and research cooperation agreements with foreign universities and scientific institutes
- Ensuring UOK’s active and strong presence in specialized organizations and international scientific assemblies.
- Creating sustainable interactions with reputable scientific centers in order to transfer knowledge, experience and technological ideas
- Establishing links between the associations and academic departments of the university and international scientific assemblies and foreign scientists in cooperation with other relevant units of the university and the Center for International Scientific Studies and Collaboration (CISSC) of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology
- Development of staff and student mobility programmes with international scientific centers and higher education institutes globally for purposes of exchange of scientific research knowledge and experience
- Investigating the establishment of representative offices and university branches abroad within the framework of relevant laws and regulations to introduce the capabilities and potentials of the university and establish mutual communication with foreign stakeholders in cooperation with other related bodies.
- Providing the basis for cooperation with Iranian researchers, technologists and scientific personalities living abroad
- Cooperating in planning and holding seminars, congresses, symposiums and international scientific and research conferences in coordination with other units and faculties and drafting the necessary funding proposal to relevant officials.
- Inviting industrial leaders of developed and developing countries to introduce the scientific and industrial achievements of UOK’s students and academic staff and to establish a broader link with industry.
- Dealing with all matters related to foreign professors and researchers at the university
- Developing and launching joint educational and research courses with universities and scientific institutes abroad
- Corresponding with embassies and consulates of the Islamic Republic of Iran in different countries in regards inviting foreign professors and scientists to participate in international scientific programmes of the university
- Preparing annual reports reflecting the performance of the university's international activities in order to evaluate and plan future international affairs activities